Wednesday, February 29, 2012

EG Jr.Herd Cheer Wins National Championship

Thanks to Candace Kuhl for this news note:
On January 29, 2012 the Jamz National Cheerleading Competition was held in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The Elk Grove Junior Herd Gold Cheer team competed against 14 teams from a variety of locations across the country in the Youth III, show cheer level 2 large division.  The routine that the EGJH cheerleaders performed was a 2 1/2 minute cheer, dance, and stunt performance. 
 Elk Grove Jr. Herd Cheer Squad

The girls were judged on only one attempt that they had been working to perfect for months.  Out of a total score of 100, the team was given an extremely high mark of 89.47 which ranked them as the top team in their division and secured them the title of National Champions for the second year in a row.  Some of the judges comments and remarks were “Love the pyramid, great level changes and transitions, and outstanding energy!”
The head coach for the EGJH cheer team, Della Nanez, stated after the competition, “We couldn’t be more proud of the Elk Grove Junior Herd Cheerleaders.  They worked hard, gave it their all, and it paid off.  We are very excited for their 1st place win.”
Congratulations to the following cheerleaders and their coaches!  Alize Nanez, Alex Crook, Samantha Guess, Mallory Taylor, Brooklyn Miller, Katie Goldman, Riley Remedios, Isabella Soto, Hailee Bolton, Emilee Gray, Paris Rodriguez, Amber Wilson, Breanna Gossett, Sydney DeSilva, Prentyce Hitt, Brooklyn Jamais, Maize Verser, Emma Day, and Anaya Gordon.  Head Coach: Della Nanez.  Assistant Coaches:  Cynthia Soto, Susanne DeSilva, Danielle Lagge, and Agnes Cuison.  Instructors:  Tatyana McElvaine-Nanez and Peyton Remedios.  

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